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Lorn's Lure(V20250204) Free Download
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【Game Introduction】
Lorn's Lure is an atmospheric narrative first-person platformer with novel climb-anything mechanics and modernized retro 3D graphics.
Leaving his home colony while tracking a mysterious glitch, an android finds himself in the midst of a vast and dangerous structure, completely hidden from his people's knowledge. Unable to go back, you must keep going to find out where he is being led... And why he left in the first place.
- Dark foreboding atmosphere
- Retro 90s PC graphics, with a modern flair.
- Uncover mysterious lore as you travel into the depths.
- Jump, climb, slide, and scan your way around difficult challenges, using simple mechanics.
- No "Parkour Ledges". Climb almost any vertical wall face using your pickaxes!
- It's a tough game, but not frustrating! Mistakes are not punished by redoing lengthy sections.
- Play fast or slow. Take in the sights as you traverse, or play as fast as a speed runner.
【Configuration Requirements】
OS: Windows 10
CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 255
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Anything above on-board graphics cards
Storage: Need 2 GB Available space
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