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The Brew Barons Free Download
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【Game Introduction】
organization that forcefully impose their brewing monopoly over the lands. Armed with your own brewery and seaplane, it's up to you to explore, forage, craft, sell and deliver your handcrafted brews with aid from fellow pilots who've joined your cause to overthrow the corrupt pirate organization and restore peace.
- Assemble your plane from a variety of parts, each with their own traits.
- Chose your pilot and copilot of whom have strengths and weaknesses.
- Explore the world in search of ingredients to bring back to your brewery.
- Pick and choose which foraged ingredients to blend.
- Distill and/or Ferment, each producing a different outcome.
- Design and name your bottle to your liking.
- Design your very own bar to sell your brews and bring fame to your establishment!
- With fame comes special delivery orders from other bars to stock your brew
【Configuration Requirements】
OS *: Windows 7
CPU: Intel i5-6500
Memory: 12 GB RAM
Graphics: GTX 960 or equivalent
DirectX Ver: 11
Storage: Need 4 GB Available space
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