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Doko Roko Free Download
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【Game Introduction】
The symbiotic relationship betweenand ancient shadows. A tower full of demons. A proverb.
"Doko Roko" is a 2D action platform game full of atmosphere, focusing on fast, evasive sword fights. On an ancient pagoda ravaged by time, you cut all the way to swarms of demons. What do people who are forced to be reborn see? Forward, up, unkilled.
fast-paced hand-to-hand combat
various swords with different abilities, strengths and weaknesses
multiple challenges boss
telling stories through the environment
Salzki's gorgeous soundtrack
untraditional atmospheric pixel art style
【Configuration Requirements】
OS: 10
CPU: Intel Core i7-4770
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: EVGA GeForce GTX 960
Storage: Need 1 GB Available space
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