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Ultimate Racing 2D 2 Free Download
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【Game Introduction】
The ultimate top-down racing game is back! Ultimate Racing 2D 2 includes 44 racing classes, more than 100 tracks, car/track editor, time-trial mode, improved online multiplayer and career mode, damage, multi-class racing and more.
Main features:
- 44 racing classes
- 100+ tracks
- 3 Career modes (Season mode, event mode, coin mode)
- Online multiplayer up to 20 players
- Local multiplayer up to 8 players
- Time-trial with leaderboards and ghost laps
- Custom championship and quick race mode
- Car editor
- Track editor
- Improved career mode with class tier system and car upgrades
- Improved (cross-platform) online multiplayer
- Manager mode
- Custom liveries
- Multi-class racing
- Timed races
- Damage
- Penalties
- Medium and intermediate tyres
- Recharging power boost
- Custom grid
- Lap records
- And more
【Configuration Requirements】
OS: Windows 7 and above
CPU: 1.2 ghz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 mb video memory
DirectX Ver: 9.0
Storage: Need 700 MB Available space
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