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Skullgirls 2nd Encore(V2024327) Free Download
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【Game Introduction】
Excuuuse me, Princess! Introducing the one and only UMBRELLA!
The saltiest sibling in the Canopy Kingdom (and her insatiable monstrosity Hungern) have at long last joined the Skullgirls roster!
- Who wants ice cream?! Come on down to the new Boardwalk stage - you never know who you might run into!
- I'm not spoiled, YOU'RE SPOILED! Try out 29 different palettes fit for royalty.
- Explore her all new Story Mode as Umbrella learns the grim reality of the Renoir Royal Family...
- Master her moveset via brand new Character Tutorials!
【Configuration Requirements】
OS: Windows 7
CPU: Dual-core CPU
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD3000
DirectX Ver: 9.0
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