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SEX & DRIFT Free Download
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SteamMixed(140 Reviews) BUY IT
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【Game Introduction】
SEX & DRIFT is a casual racing game. It`s a game where you can enjoy fast driving leaving far behind your opponents. Pass the levels to open new faster cars. Improve your unit with tuning and become the best racer in the game SEX & DRIFT. Ride on a high speed between another cars on the road and the reward will not be long in coming. Hot girls will show you why you must come first.
Game Features:
- Unique setting
- Exciting gameplay
- Lots of incredible locations to race in
- Big collection of cool cars to choose
- Incredible mechanics
【Configuration Requirements】
OS: Windows 7 or above
CPU: Intel or AMD
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: Direct X compatible
Storage: Need 2 GB Available space
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