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Tyrant's Blessing Free Download
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【Game Introduction】
tyrant tiberium, promised to put this into heaven, no war, no suffering... There was no death. To enter the tyrant's paradise, Tiberians need only die at the hands of the Army of the Dead. The war was over before it had even begun, and thousands died in the tyrant's wake, bound by magic as immortal slaves. The few remaining living warriors were scattered among the wreckage of their homeland, working tirelessly to find a way to defeat the tyrant. Lead the riot, defeat the Army of the Dead, and drive this fearsome overlord back to the depths of the sea.
the tyrant's blessing is a tactical turn-based game, your planning, strategic ability to adapt and to maximize your forces or in the treasure house is more important to find the sharp sword. Choose daily battles, make challenging choices, and skillfully harness the power of these stragglers to defeat the undead horde and maybe - just maybe - bring real life back to Tiberia.
every day is a battle for survival
before battle with the tyrant, you must make sure that you can live to retrieve the island that day.
decided to fight, never hand to save the living dead, or build up our strength. Every day of the uprising every choice matters.
when you fight on a tiberium field, to face the choice between random events. Do you intervene and fight bandits, putting your soldiers in danger? Are you going to save a child and risk wasting valuable time and resources? Your morals and convictions will give you the answer.
your hero carefully selected list. Screeg, the old wizard who advises the riots, can only teleport three heroes and a pet at a time: Are you sending elite fighters? Or train the recruits to hold the line? Are they up to the task? Can you live with the consequences?
every battle is an adventure
if you don't destroy an entire army of the undead, cannot be defeated tyrants. Winning, though, isn't just about punching the enemy as hard as you can. Planning
conflict analysis. Position fighters around the battlefield to gain a strategic advantage.
time pay attention to the surrounding environment: invisible dust the enemy hiding in the bushes or skip rocks in order to avoid the enemy's attack.
beware enemies: signal every attack, but be careful, the move will leave the shadow. Shadows of characters can still be attacked...... if there is no way to avoid them
hit the obstacle will be the enemy of the road, with a hero can resist damage to protect the weaker hero, powerful chain elements and the use of the environment. Brute force works, but it's better to outsmart, not steal.
every adventure is a new day
your each hero has his own personality, attributes, and skills. Who are you putting in danger?
recruit 20 sacred hero, everyone have a unique ability, can significantly alter the course of any battle.
but note: not all the heroes in will appear in a week, not every hero can ensure to complete the task.
for the task to choose the appropriate team. Assassins thrive in tight Spaces, while shooters suffer at close range. Some heroes even bring pets that might just win the battle for the team.
even if the hero died, also can extricate from the hand of the tyrant. Track them down, defeat them in battle, and restore their stolen lives!
【Configuration Requirements】
OS: Windows Vista/7/8/10
CPU: 2 GHz or better
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: GPU Intel UHD Graphics 630
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