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Click To Sail Free Download
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【Game Introduction】
Click to Sail is a simple game that allows you to build a team of sailors and start adventures you might not have thought of.
the game involves simply clicking a button that will take you to a new world full of challenges, choices, and secrets.
has several different units with different abilities, and you can pair up in your team to enter the game.
the game also contains many different objects with different effects, and can even change the way the game is played; there are different maps, each with its own specific biological community.
managing your gold coins is the core mechanism of the game, and you have to do it well in order to buy items, employers, and others to basically stay alive.
Happy voyage!
【Configuration Requirements】
Requires 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10
CPU: 2Ghz or more
Memory: 128 MB RAM
Graphics: 128gb or more
Storage: Need 70 MB Available space
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