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Your Toy Free Download
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【Game Introduction】
do you remember your childhood toys? Do you remember where you threw them? They used to be your best friends, but now they will be your worst nightmare.
your Toy is a first-person thriller puzzle game that faces the deepest dark world in your subconscious through unrepeatable random puzzles, tachycardia escapes and eerie narratives of suspense.
in a completely immersed 3D environment, the realistic picture style will create a weird and charming atmosphere for you. And you, are you ready for a nightmare?
you wake up from the darkness to find yourself trapped in a forgotten place, a succession of mysterious messages lure you into the abyss of the unknown, while someone is hiding from reality and looking at you. Between your own memories and false dreams, the long-forgotten victim wants to play a game with you. But this time, who is whose toy?
[game screenshot]
【Configuration Requirements】
OS: WINDOWS 7, 8, 8.1, 10
CPU: 3.0 GHz processor
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Storage: Need 1 GB Available space
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