Eye of the Commando Free Download
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【Game Introduction】
Classic turn-based dungeon crawling with an 80s action movie twist! You know the drill: four directional grid based movement, 90 degree rotation, you-go-they-go turns in combat, puzzles and secrets and loot galore. But instead of heading into a basement to fight rats with Yesterday's Knife and a two-copper pleather frock, you're a one man army raiding an island full of non-specific international terrorists with your impossibly huge gun and no shirt!
First Person dungeon crawling in Third Person, a combination we proudly call Thirst Person Dun--
Update: Legal has advised us to choose a different label for our unique blend of genres. Doesn't matter. What matters is all the fun you get have fighting, exploring, and looting. Here's what's in store for you:
Genuine Yes Really Turn Based Gameplay: You, the enemies, the environment, even the enemy bullets all move one tile per turn. Take your time planning your next move, no reflexes required. The only exception is your bullets: your bullets move instantly, at the speed of Freedom. Check it out:
Item And Equipment Progression and Builds: Find gear on the battlefield to grow in power. Upgrade your armor, grab boots from a dead ninja, and use a plethora of weapon attachments to define your build. Got too many weapon attachments? Find some Duct Tape and add even more. Still too many? Clever players with a bent for exploration will find a use for them...
Handcrafted Maps, Puzzles, and Secrets: No procgen dungeons here! Who plays roguelikes anyway? The game starts with an action heavy beach raid, and proceeds to get deeper and dungeony-er as you explore the island volcano fortress that evil calls home. Secret areas with hidden loot, switches, traps, teleport tiles, conveyor belts, all that good stuff is here. Intentional map design that rewards thinking, exploring, and a tactical approach.
Classic Exploration And Arcade Joy: It's a brand new take on an old favorite style, delivered with a knowing nod to the ridiculousness of 1980s musclemans action movies. The focus is on the fun of exploring, blowing up the bad guys, grabbing whatever they dropped, and seeing what's around the next corner.
【Configuration Requirements】
OS: Win 10
CPU: x86_32 CPU with SSE2 instructions, or any x86_64 CPU
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Integrated graphics with full Vulkan 1.0 support
Storage: Need 500 MB Available space
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