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【Game Introduction】
Manage the culinary heroes, fight the rotten zombie food in this TBS roguelike game. Use fresh food to upgrade and create new defenders. Explore the abandoned kitchen in search of ingredients and new recipes.
- Search for the perfect strategy: in minimalistic turn-based combat, you have the opportunity to study your opponent's attacks and find the best solution
- Look for scraps of recipe book pages to learn how to create new units
- Research and collect ingredients to repair, upgrade and create new culinary warriors
- Endless possibilities: a variety of levels, units and enemies open up endless horizons of possibilities
【Configuration Requirements】
OS: Windows 10
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 @ 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ @ 2.8 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 240 GT or Radeon HD 6570 – 1024 MB
DirectX Ver: 9.0c
Storage: Need 512 MB Available space
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