An adorable musical robot named Melobot, created to preserve harmony, awakens on a strange, silent planet consumed by a mysterious dark matter. Now, Melobot must embrace a role it was never programmed for: the role of a hero.
Deflect Boy is a top-down arena shooter, that instead of guns, you only have a shield. Deflect the bullets and combine new skills to create unique deflection powers and survive until the nightmare ends.
Top-down, fast-paced combat — use a customizable, futuristic sword to violently chop, crush, and slice through hordes of genetically modified abominations, and replace body parts with cybernetic implants and enhanced lab-grown organs.
The classic multi-award winning adventure "Broken Sword - the Shadow of the Templars" returns with glorious 4K visuals and iconic remastered audio, pitching intrepid American George Stobbart and fearless journalist Nico Collard into a journey of perilous adventures and ancient conspiracies.
Marko: Beyond Brave is an action-packed Metroidvania adventure. Wander through lush forests and crumbling castles, battle corrupted creatures, and escape intricate traps. Jump, slash, and shoot your way through challenging foes and mighty bosses inspired by Slavic myths and legends.
Step into the wonderful world of Slackers! Picture this: you and your friends run out of drinks and the store is closing! Hop in a shopping cart, the ultimate eco-friendly marvel, master the art of riding an unpredictable beast, discver shortcuts as you pave your path to glory!
Engage in all manner of Mahjong! From standard matches to total chaos, featuring over 130 Touhou characters from 20+ entries! The match of your dreams awaits!
UFO 50 is a collection of 50 single and multiplayer games that span a variety of genres, from platformers and shoot 'em ups to puzzle games, roguelites, and RPGs. Our goal is to combine a familiar 8-bit aesthetic with new ideas and modern game design.
After years of isolation, a friendly son of Adam is just what Mami's village needs to reacquaint itself with the outside world! Demon contact, however, can prove lethal to your average joe... Not Koichi, though. This guy's built different.
Robzawar is an addictive game that plunges players into the heart of an exciting struggle for survival in an alien world. As the main character, you find yourself in the role of a tough robot whose spaceship has crashed on a treacherous dinosaur planet.